Among libraries, lifelong learning is one of those core values we shelve our books by. So it makes sense that before we embark on this new online learning and discovery journey that we should take a few minutes to review a few habits that can assist in creating lifelong learners.
These habits, which we’ve called the Seven and 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners, will provide you with a refresher on what it means to be a lifelong learner.
Discovery Exercise:
- Make sure you have headphones or speakers attached to your computer. Open and view the 7 & 1/2 Habits online tutorial, which runs about 15 minutes long. Please note that if you learn better by reading than listening, it is possible to read the transcript portion and use the Next button to proceed at your own pace.
- As you go through the tutorial, think about which habit among the 7 & 1/2 is easiest for you and which is hardest.
- If choose to create a Learning Contract as described in the tutorial but have trouble accessing the tutorial attachments, you can find them on the shared drive at S:\wcpl_SHARED\How-to & Training\Learning 2.0.
The information about the lifelong learners was very good information. We are never too old to learn and we should never stop wanting to learn all that we can.
The Web 2.0 seminar on Monday made me want to squeeze in these classes and they seem pretty quick and easy. I looked at the 43 site and the lifelong learning PP. They both seemed to emphasize accountability--write it down and chart your progress. I wonder if a sticky note on the frig counts.
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