Listed below are some Things (or small exercises) that you can do on the web to explore and expand your knowledge of the Internet and Web 2.0. Each week a few new Things will be added.
Week 1 : Introduction
#1 Read about this program to learn what it is and why we're doing it.
#2 Discover a few pointers from lifelong learners and learn how to nurture your own learning process.
Week 2 : Blogs
#3 Discover what blogs are.
#4 Explore some blogs and post your first comments! Maybe even create your own blog...
Week 3 : RSS and News Readers
#5 Make life "really simple" with RSS & a newsreader.
#6 Find some interesting feeds.
Week 4: Photos and Images
#7 Explore Flickr and Picnik.
Week 5: Play Week
#8 Explore some fun web tools & toys.
Week 6: Tagging and Social Bookmarking
#9 Discover tagging and social bookmarking with
Week 7: Videos & Podcasts
#10 Discover video sharing with YouTube
#11 Learn about podcasts
Week 8: Wikis
#12 Discover wikis
Week 9: Wrap Up
#13 What have we learned and where can we go?