#5 Make life "really simple" with RSS & a newsreader

You’ve heard of RSS? You’ve seen those small funny tags on websites? You’ve heard co-workers and acquaintances swear by it, but still have no idea what RSS is? Don’t worry, you’re still in the majority, but this is changing rapidly. In the information world, RSS is not only revolutionizing the way news, media and content creators share information, but it also is swiftly changing the way everyday users are consuming information.

RSS stands for “Really Simple Syndication” and is a file format for delivering regularly updated information over the web. Just think about the websites and news information sources you visit every day. It takes time to visit those sites and scour the ad-filled and image-heavy pages for just the text you want to read, doesn’t it? Now imagine if you could visit all those information sources and web pages in just one place and all at the same time … without being bombarded with advertising… without having to search for new information on the page you’d already seen or read before… and without having to consume a lot of time visiting each site individually. Would that be valuable to you? Well, it’s available now through a newsreader and RSS.

Your discovery exercises focus on learning about RSS news feeds and setting up a Bloglines account for yourself to bring your feeds together.
Bloglines is a free, web-based newsreader. There are other ways to read RSS feeds besides Bloglines, such as GoogleReader. If you use Firefox or Internet Explorer 7, you can also subscribe to RSS feeds within your Internet browser. Or you can take a look at this review of 20 free RSS readers. Some are web services; others require downloading and installing software.

Now let's get started!

1. Check out some of these resources to learn about RSS:

2. Take a look at this shared Bloglines account. The user, wcpl20, has chosen to make some of his/her feeds visible to the public. When you set up your own account, it will look much like this. Each of the folders on the left part of the Bloglines page contains several RSS feeds. Be sure to open each folder to see what's inside. Recognize any of the blogs? Click on a feed to see the latest updates. Be sure to take a look at the Libraries Use 2.o folder to see how some other libraries are making use of blogs and RSS.

3. Set up your own Bloglines account! Go to www.bloglines.com/register and fill in the information. Be sure to remember the email address and password that you use. If you have any trouble getting registered, watch this tutorial:
Bloglines Registration [1:09]. After you register, Bloglines will send an email to the address you register with. Be sure to log in to that email account and follow the directions in the email from Bloglines to validate your Bloglines account.

4. Now you're going to add some feeds to your account. To learn how to do this, watch this video: Adding RSS Feeds to Bloglines [1:15] (created by Helene Blowers of PLCMC).

5. Now add these 5 feeds to your account. If you watched the Adding RSS Feeds to Bloglines video, you know what to do with the links below. When you add the feeds, be sure to choose Public for the Access option.
6. Set your account to be shared. While logged into Bloglines, click on the Account link on the top right part of the screen. Go to the Blog Settings section and enter a User Name. For Show My Blogroll; select Yes, publish my Blogroll. Click the Save Changes button.

Now anyone can see your list of feeds at this address: http://www.bloglines.com/public/username (substitute your user name on the end).

7. One last thing: create a comment for this post which includes the link to your public Bloglines page.

Did you get all that? If so, you should definitely feel proud of yourself. This is probably the longest, most difficult section of Learning 2.0.

If you're struggling with any of the exercises above, try asking your co-workers for help. Or post a comment here. Don't be shy; if you have a question someone else probably does, too.

When you're ready, go on to Thing #6.


Anonymous said...

Wow, this is so cool. I just may get addicted to RSS.

This is my new bloglines account.


Lindsey said...

Okay, done it. I was already subscribed to some of these.


Lindsey @ EVA

Anonymous said...

I swear by bloglines! Otherwise there is no way I'd be able to read as many blogs as I do, as quickly as I do. I try and weed it a lot, so I never have too many blogs to read. And I find that I can ignore more than half of the posts, which is so easy to do! It's the best way to stay informed.


Anonymous said...

here's my list:


Unknown said...


That was pretty easy - here's my new bloggy :)

-Denise Chachula @ CAM

Anonymous said...

I find RSS great, especially for news websites.

My blogline is
Clare @CAM

Robert L said...


Done. I kept getting errors with Explorer when trying to subscribe to a couple of the feeds. I'll add the rest at some point.

katstev said...

this looks interesting. I have never heard of this. if i need help i may have to send out a note.


katstev said...


Natalie said...

I also had some errors come up with adding Unshelved wity IE.


Natalie @ FUQ

Anonymous said...

O.K., but those weren't any of the blogs that I'd really like to subscribe to. Nor would I really want to make my "blogroll" public. Nevertheless, as a true team player, here's my link http://www.bloglines.com/public/jmells

Anonymous said...

I had set up a Bloglines account a few months ago and never gone back to read it! We need a technology update like this. Thanks Carol and Celia-

Anonymous said...

I already had a bloglines account, which I love. But now I made my account public:


It was cool to see what blogs others subscribe and added some of them to my own account.


Anonymous said...

I made a new Blogline Account on GoogleReader. I love learning about RSS. Thank you Carol and Celia for all this great information.

Anonymous said...

Here's my bloglines account. I feel a bit naked making it public....


Sarah @ SER

Anonymous said...

Thanks everyone for being willing to make your blogrolls public, especially those of you who already had quite a collection. If there are feeds you would rather keep private, you can set the access level to "Private" when you add them and no one will see them. You can also edit the Access level by clicking on the feed in the left column and then clicking edit subscription subscription on the far right side of the horizontal blue bar.

Also, if anyone has more specific info on what the IE error messages are would you post them? I haven't been able to replicate the problem.

Anonymous said...

I'd had a bookmark to the Unshelved webpage already, so now I'll get it through RSS!

Going to see if I can add some library links that a friend sent me last night.

Here's my blog:

Tess said...

mine is:


Anonymous said...

Here it is:
What's a blogroll? I may have missed it during one of the videos. It's hard to listen to a video when you're working at a desk : > so I wasn't able to listen to most of them. Video is a nice change of pace, but accompanying text is good for backup.

Anonymous said...

I've been using Google Reader for a couple of weeks now, and I don't know how I did it before. My shared items for the Google Reader are at http://tinyurl.com/2pxs7d.

I was able to import my google feeds to bloglines to try it out. I already like the shared page better.



p.s. if you want to add links in your post it's not too hard:
for a link like this to google,

you type: <a href="http://www.google.com">this</a>

Kathryn said...

I'm slowly getting the hang of this. my link is http://www.bloglines.com/public/kdr4xmom

Anonymous said...

This is more fun and easier than I expected!
Sandy @ ERL

Anonymous said...

Think I've done it--most irritating part was coming up with an user name that wasn't already taken.

Anonymous said...

Done--this was a challenging assignment for me--had to be off desk where I could do it uninterrupted.


Martha at EVA said...

I'm just having a lot of trouble with the directions, I guess. Maybe this time it will work.
http://www.bloglines.com/public/Martha at EVA

Martha at EVA said...

Well, I'm having trouble following directions, I guess. Maybe this time will do the trick.
http://www.bloglines.com/public/Martha at EVA

Rita B said...

Ok, so here is mine:

Rita @ CRY

Anonymous said...

That was fun! Now I have to get in the habit of checking these!!

Anonymous said...

oh, my gosh- RSS looks terribly addicted... i must resist. (ok, ultimately 'resistance is futile,' but i can for now!)

Anonymous said...

opps, "additive!" not 'addicted.' groan.