Now that you have a newsreader (your Bloglines account), you can begin adding newsfeeds that interest you, either library-related or not. There are several ways you can locate newsfeeds:
- When visiting your favorite websites -- look for news feed icons that indicate the website provides it. Often a feed icon will be displayed somewhere in the navigation bar of the site. You can click on the icon to add the feed.
- Use Bloglines' Search tool - Bloglines' search tool lets you search for news feeds in addition to posts, citations and the web. Use the Search for Feeds option to locate RSS feeds you might be interested in.
- Other Search tools that can help you find feeds:
- - This search tool allows you to locate recent newsfeed items based upon keyword or phrase searching. The tool focuses specifically on news and media outlet RSS feeds for information, not blogs.
- - Syndic8 is an open directory of RSS feeds that contains thousands of RSS feeds that users have submitted.
- Technorati - Technorati is a popular blog finding tool that lets you search for blogs. Since RSS feeds are inherent to all blogging tools, Technorati Blog Search can help you find RSS feeds for topic specific blogs you may be interested in.
Additonal Resource: Technorati Tutorial on finding and adding your blog
Your to-do list:
2. Post a comment about your experience on this blog entry. Don't know what to say? Think about these questions:
- Which method of finding feeds did you find easiest to use?
- Which Search tool was the easiest for you? Which was more confusing?
- What kind of useful feeds did you find in your travels? Or what kind of unusual ones did you find?
- What other tools or ways did you find to locate newsfeeds?
Also, if you have any thoughts about whether RSS will be useful to you or how it might be useful to libraries then please share them!
I liked technorati & blog lines searches the best. Sometimes I would forget to look for the rss icon in the address bar and wondered why I couldn't find a link on the page itself. Anyway, I added a few pages and will probably add more of my favorite sites.
i've had a bloglines acount for awhile & currently have 78 feeds. I add things to it all the time & have them grouped in topic folders like news, food, gosssip, ecogeek, author blogs & kidslit. It's super easy to use & I just check it a few times throughout the day.
Ugh, I already have too many feeds! I can't add anymore or I'll suffer from info overload. But these are interesting tools. Thanks for sharing.
Technorati had a cool Google map for Super Tuesday
Natalie @ FUQ
Honestly, I don't usually look for feeds. When I go onto my bloglines account, I just cut and paste whatever cool website I want to keep up with and see if it has RSS. If it does, I link it. I didn't know Unshelved had RSS until yesterday, so thanks! Even sites that aren't blogs have RSS. For instance, Roger Ebert's movie reviews aren't technically a blog. You certainly can't comment on his reviews. But he still has RSS.
Lindsey @ EVA
I have added my first rss, this is one of the newer technologies that I haven't explored much. Now that I can listen to NPR or APR programs while I do other cyber-tech things, I am so happy!
I went to Topix, the posts about the mother arrested for strapping in the 24 pack of beer and not her child were hysterical
I found the most helpful of the three searches listed. That could just mean that I need to spend more time playing with the other two, though.
I also just went to current sites I've got bookmarked and tried to "cut and paste" the URLs to see if they had RSS feeds. Sadly, most didn't, but I did find a couple.
I'm not sure how helpful this will be with work. It'll be fun to see, though.
Whoops, that last anonymous is JeanSch @ Cary. (Ever have one of those days where you can't figure you way around a keyboard?)
I checked these sites. I added one of my favorites, Fresh Fiction to my feeds.
So I tooled around in O.K. so the news, Amy Winehouse got 5 Grammy awards- I disagree w/ that but I like her music. Go figure!
I'm not much into news. Just Mock Newbery stuff, and couldn't find much that had feeds yet.
I really am having trouble finding the time to decipher all this. But I'll keep trying.
Okay--I played around with Technorati and looked for blogs on origami. Maybe it's my inexperience with these tools, but I still find a Google search of "origami blogs" more productive. It leads me to sites of interest faster.
I used bloglines to search for feeds and also went to the websites I usually go to and signed up for their feeds. I'm behind now at 2.0 and trying to catch up! Knew this would happen-oh well Melissa@ERL
I liked bloglines the best because you could search specifically for feeds, and because it had a preview feature. So now I have thirty something feeds categorized in folders and everything. I hope to trim it down to the ones I like best after reading them for a few days. Otherwise it seems like it would just take too long to read them all!
I've read and followed instructions so far. I didn't search for blogs, because, honestly, I don't have the time to frolic in the blogosphere. It's taken me this long to get this far, and I'm now 2 weeks behind, because I did take the time to look at some of the blogs. The Technorati tutorial took too long to load. I too have a short attention span! If it's not fast, I'm outta there! I'm sure there are many blogs that would be interesting, just like there are many books I want to read. Kathe@WRL
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